IM Strategy

Develop IM Strategies Aligned with Business Objectives

IQVIA IM Strategy solutions and advisory services are designed to optimize data, analytics, and insights across your entire organization.

Maintain visibility into global data subscriptions and ensure oversight on data usage to avoid healthcare data breaches. Promote consistent data quality and eliminate duplication across systems.

Data Landscaping

The first step towards efficient data management and strategy is to collate data from silos across your entire organization and identify exactly what data you have  now. Once you have a thorough understanding of your current data landscape,  you can clarify where you are missing data and where you are wasting resources  on duplicate data.

  • Provides clarity on gaps in data
  • Enhances understanding of current data
  • Identifies duplicates of spend in data assets

Data Strategy and Acquisition

Once the landscape of data across your organization has been thoroughly  analyzed, it’s now essential to fill any gaps or rectify data silos between teams.  IQVIA Data Strategy & Acquisition can help you identify exactly what data sources  you need to fill these gaps and answer your key business questions.

  • Offers expertise of data SMEs and epidemiologists
  • Collates data sources aligned to your needs
  • Addresses questions that inform decision-making

Data Quality Solutions

While you may have extensive data across multiple healthcare subject areas, it’s paramount to identify which data is of high quality. Low-quality data, such as  those that are outdated or inaccurate, can impede the reliability of the data to strategically inform decision-making. IQVIA Data Quality Solutions help you to identify methods of data clean-up and ongoing management to maintain good-quality data moving forward.

  • Improves data quality across the organization
  • Drives efficiency of operations
  • Amplifies analytics to guide decision-making
young woman at work

Data Privacy Advisory

New data initiatives are both an exciting and daunting prospect. With the increasing importance of complying with guidelines in an evolving, complex regulatory environment, experts in data privacy are invaluable. IQVIA’s data experts can help you make the most of your data, while still ensuring your data complies with the latest privacy guidelines and is protected from malicious attacks or public missteps.

  • Enables peace of mind that data strategies are in place for malicious attacks
  • Boosts confidence that data is compliant
  • Enhances productivity of datasets
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Data Governance Advisory

To gain the true value out of your data, teams across the organization must be aligned with data management best practices. IQVIA can help define and establish decision rights, accountability, policies, procedures, and business rules that support ongoing data management aligned with business outcomes. This helps you to reach data management business objectives and harness greater confidence in decision-making moving forward.

  • Improves accuracy of data
  • Strategically informs business decisions
  • Ensures reliability of data moving forward
IQVIA Healthcare Services provider

Ensure your data is the foundation for strategic decision-making

What if you had industry expertise before you began your project and could save time? IQVIA Information Management Strategy gives you a path, methodologies and an in-depth view of your current data landscape to maximize your investment and quality of insights further down the line.

Check out this insights brief learn more.

coherent enterprise data strategy

Discover 5 Key Elements to a Successful Data Strategy

A coherent enterprise data strategy establishes the foundation for all future data acquisitions.  Performing this due diligence step early in the EIM journey sets governance practices for how data assets will be selected, managed, shared, analyzed, and acted upon.

Check out this blog to explore how to maximize the value of these vital assets in developing a robust data strategy.

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