key opinion leaders</a>, and helping providers understand how it compares with existing treatment options. After launch, it means working with providers to ensure proper use, expand awareness and reach the patients most likely to benefit.</p>" /> key opinion leaders</a>, and helping providers understand how it compares with existing treatment options. After launch, it means working with providers to ensure proper use, expand awareness and reach the patients most likely to benefit.</p>" />
Medical Education

Innovative strategies for specialized products

Show medical professionals the value of your therapy from pre-launch to in-market, with data-driven, clinically relevant product information.

Connect insights, delivery, and outcomes

As new and more specialized products come to market, understanding them can be an overwhelming task for providers, payers and patients. Make it easier for them to see the value of your therapy, with a communications strategy as innovative as your product.

IQVIA experts, networks and insights position you to transition from a model that prioritizes sales-driven product launch information to one that puts education at the center. We help you deliver a new level of understanding, with the right information, in the right channel, at the right time.

During research, that means presenting your drug's clinical benefits and scientific profile to key opinion leaders, and helping providers understand how it compares with existing treatment options. After launch, it means working with providers to ensure proper use, expand awareness and reach the patients most likely to benefit.

full service communications

Case Study: Supporting early glaucoma detection

The challenge:

Treating an estimated 4.6-6.9 million undiagnosed cases of glaucoma in Europe alone.

The solution:

Diagnosis in Focus, a comprehensive and holistic Pan-European HCP educational campaign highlighting diagnosis as a significant but ultimately manageable problem.

This campaign used clinically relevant messaging, including a strong endorsement from an external expert steering committee and evidence-based, adult learning approaches to promote early, accurate glaucoma diagnosis.

The result:

Improved average diagnostic accuracy led to a positive impact on clinical practice and health outcomes. To date, more than 3,000 ophthalmologists in 30+ countries have received the early, accurate diagnosis message leading to a 25% increase in newly diagnosed glaucoma patients.


Education led by experts

IQVIA brings expertise from in and outside our company to deliver value through education, at congresses, through training, white papers, and digital engagement tools. Peer-to-peer information-sharing can increase market awareness and position your company to elevate the individual capabilities of clinicians -- effectively aligning your business goals with helping providers to improve patient outcomes.


Case Study: Helping providers identify a rare disease

The challenge:

Showing nephrologists how to diagnose and treat a rare disease that previously had no modifying therapy.

The solution:

Peer-to-peer, in-person education, including cutting-edge digital techniques, exhibits, and clinically-relevant symposia.

This campaign supported effective treatment initiation with a series of interactive debates that let nephrologists share experiences, identify best practices, and discuss practical ways to manage side effects and help patients manage treatment. It engaged nephrologists in their local markets with tailored, multichannel collateral.

The result:

More than 2,500 HCPs reached at four international and three national congresses, and more than 100 nephrologists participated in educational debates in 2016.


Nine ways IQVIA delivers in the field

IQVIA can help your product overcome barriers to access with specialized service teams.

  1. Medical Affairs Team: Engage with KOLs pre-launch.
  2. Clinical Trial Educators: Provide on-site patient recruitment support.
  3. Scientific Platform Development: Document your product's profile.
  4. Opinion-Leader Outreach: Reach advisory boards and patient advocates.
  5. Medical Education Programs: Inform healthcare providers.
  6. Market Access Teams: Profile payer and regulatory requirements.
  7. Pathway Effectiveness: Optimize care delivery within healthcare systems.
  8. Evidence-based program design: Build on real-world data.
  9. Nurse educators: Support both providers and patients.

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